AssetWise ALIM Linear Referencing Services Help

Copy User

The Copy User utility allows an existing Exor User and optionally the Roles, Admin Units and User Options associated with that User to be copied to create a new User. This allows User Templates to be created to assist the Systems Administrator with creating and managing New Users.

Note: You must have the HIG_USER_ADMIN Role to copy a User.

To Copy a user, select the username to copy from the User List and click on the Copy Userbutton . The Copy User From dialog opens.

Name (Required): Enter the name of the individual for whom you are creating a user. This must by unique within the system. A maximum of 30 Characters is allowed.

Initials (Required): Enter the initials of this user. This must be unique within the system. A maximum of 3 characters is allowed.

Username (Required): Enter the username by which this user will be known. This is the name that the User will use to log onto the system. A maximum of 30 characters is allowed.

Password (Required): Enter the password for this user. Note that this password will not be visible as you type.

Start Date (Required): Enter the Date on which the User will become ‘Active’. The User will not be allowed to access the system until this Date. The default Date is the current System Date.

Unrestricted (Yes/No switch): Set this switch to Yes if the new User is to be ‘Unrestricted’.

Roles (Yes/No switch): Set this switch to Yes to copy the selected Users Roles.

Admin Units (Yes/No switch): Set this switch to Yes to copy the selected Users Admin Units.

User Options (Yes/No switch): Set this switch to Yes to copy the selected Users User Options.

To copy the User press the Copy button.